A Greener Living For An Urban Family

Fresh vegetables, herbs, honey and new eggs every day; Jules and his family are living the farm life. It’s also a most unconventional lifestyle given that their home is in the middle of Pasadena, California. The family struggles to be as self-sustainable as they possibly can—their car drives on biogas, solar panels power their television, and each day they have fresh food from their own meticulously well-maintained crops.

Jules first began his farming life before moving to Pasadena, when he lived for several years in New Zealand. Jules embarked on his current lifestyle after becoming concerned about how the food industry controlled what he and his family ate. Jules wanted to be more in control and minimize his family’s impact on the environment.
A Greener Living For An Urban Family from I Am Los Angeles on Vimeo.
Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre By Brett L. Markham
Publisher: Skyh..orse Publis..hing 2010 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 1602399840 | EPUB + PDF | 34 MB + 56 MB

Start a mini farm on a quarter acre or less, provide 85 percent of the food for a family of four and earn an income.
Mini Farming describes a holistic approach to small-area farming that will show you how to produce 85 percent of an average family’s food on just a quarter acre—and earn $10,000 in cash annually while spending less than half the time that an ordinary job would require. Even if you have never been a farmer or a gardener, this book covers everything you need to know to get started: buying and saving seeds, starting seedlings, establishing raised beds, soil fertility practices, composting, dealing with pest and disease problems, crop rotation, farm planning, and much more. Because self-sufficiency is the objective, subjects such as raising backyard chickens and home canning are also covered along with numerous methods for keeping costs down and production high. Materials, tools, and techniques are detailed with photographs, tables, diagrams, and illustrations.

Livestock Asia 2011 Expo & Forum, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from 4th - 6th October 2011

Asia's demand for feed, livestock and meat processing supplies and equipment will continue to grow strongly as meat consumption per capita increase. The place to be to tap on these opportunities is at the 6th edition of LIVESTOCK ASIA Expo & Forum - Asia's International Feed, Livestock Production & Meat Industry Show which will be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from 4th - 6th October 2011.
Hosted by the Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro Based Industry Malaysia, LIVESTOCK ASIA Expo & Forum is today a "must attend" event for decision makers and buyers across Asia. Over 650 buyers from as far as Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Kazakhstan attended the last event to source for new equipment and supplies. More than 7,000 trade visitors and delegates, representing integrators, veterinarians, farmers, feed millers, processors, retailers, importers and distributors are expected to attend the Expo, Conference and Technology Symposiums in 2011.

Start A Self-Sufficient 1 Acre Homestead

Expert advise on how to establish self sufficient food production, including guidance on crop rotations, raising livestock and grazing management. Download article below:

10 Worst Garden Weeds

Paradigma Baru Pembangunan Pertanian: Sebuah Tinjauan Sosiologis

Menjelang abad ke-21, di negara-negara yang sedang berkembang, termasuk Indonesia, terjadi suatu perubahan paradigma pembangunan secara drastis. Pada masa-masa awal sesudah memperoleh kemerdekaannya, paradigma pembangunan yang dominan di negara-negara tersebut adalah industrialisasi. Selain diharapkan dapat mengangkat harkat hidup penduduk di negara-negara yang sedang berkembang, secara politis industrialisasi juga akan menyejajarkan kedudukan negara-negara tersebut dengan negara-negara Barat, yang sebagian besar adalah negara-negara yang pernah menjajah mereka. Merupakan kebang-gaan bagi seorang kepala negara dari sebuah negara yang sedang berkembang, apabila is dapat bertemu dengan seorang kepala negara dari negara Barat dan membicarakan industri pesawat terbang yang sama-sama mereka mil iki, meski-pun pesawat terbang yang diproduksi oleh negara yang sedang berkembang tersebut tidak laku dijual. Akibat dominasi dari paradigma industrialisasi dalam proses pembangunan, maka pembangunan sektor pertanian relatifditelantarkan. Bahkan ada anggapan bahwa indikator keberhasi Ian suatu pembangunan adalah mengecilnya sumbangan sektor pertanian pada total pendapatan negara. Sebaliknya, apabila jumlah kontribusi sektor pertanian pada pendapatan nasional tetap tinggi, maka negara tersebut tetap dianggap sebagai negara yang terbelakang. Namun, menjelang abad ke-21, paradigma tersebut tiba-tiba berubah. Per-ekonomian negara-negara yang sedang berkembang, misalnya Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Korea Selatan, — yang semula dibanggakan akan dan telah menjadi negara-negara industri baru — runtuh di landa krisis moneter yang dahsyat. Industri-industri yang telah dibangun dengan investasi besar, runtuh karena timbulnya krisis ekonomi. Di Indonesia, ratusan industri dari berbagai jenis terpaksa menghentikan produksi, karena meningkatnya ongkos produksi yang disebabkan oleh menurunnya mata uang rupiah terhadap mata uang, dollar. Akibatnya, jutaan bunch industri kehilangan pekerjaan mereka. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada sektor bangunan dan sektor perbankan.

Penerapan Pertanian Organik: Pemasyarakatan Dan pengembangannya

Buku ini merupakan kelanjutan dari buku Pertanian Organik: Menuju Pertanian Alternatif dan Berkelanjutan. Paparannya mengetengahkan teknologi pertanian organik yang dapat diadopsi oleh para petani, pengembangan dan pemasyarakatannya, dengan memperhatikan sumber daya spesifik yang tersedia di lingkungannya.
Selanjutnya, prinsip-prinsip pertanian organik tersebut dapat dijadikan acuan untuk menyusun kebijakan dan memasyarakatkan kegiatan pertanian berkelanjutan dalam lingkup yang lebih luas. Pokok bahasannya meliputi pengertian dasar pertanian organik dan budi daya organik, pupuk organik, limbah pertanaman, kotoran dan limbah ternak, pengolahan limbah organik, pengelolaan nutrisi/hara tanaman secara terpadu, pengembangan sistem usaha tani melalui pengelolaan tanaman terpadu, limbah padat dan limbah cair, azolla dan tumbuhan air lainnya, pupuk hijau, pupuk hayati, pengendalian hama dan penyakit terpadu dan pemanfaatan pestisida hayati, pemanfaatan endapan lumpur, serta pertanian olah tanah minimum dan tanpa olah tanah.

The Anti-Estrogenic Diet: How Estrogenic Foods and Chemicals Are Making You Fat and Sick

The Anti-Estrogenic Diet: How Estrogenic Foods and Chemicals Are Making You Fat and Sick by Ori Hofmekler
North Atlantic Books | 2007 | ISBN: 155643684X | English | 231 pages | PDF | 2.65 MB

• Lower your risk of metabolic disorders, disease, and chronic weight gain
• Protect yourself against the estrogenic substances in the environment, products, water, and food
• Learn how certain foods and herbs can protect you!
Estrogenic chemicals—known for causing the near extinction of various living species—are found in some of the most common foods we eat.

Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know

Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know by Robert Paarlberg
O x f _.rd Un _.ver- _.ty Pr _.ss | ISBN: 019538959X | 2010-04-07 | PDF | 240 pages | 1.26 Mb
The politics of food is changing fast. In rich countries, obesity is now a more serious problem than hunger. Consumers once satisfied with cheap and convenient food now want food that is also safe, nutritious, fresh, and grown by local farmers using fewer chemicals. Heavily subsidized and under-regulated commercial farmers are facing stronger push-back from environmentalists and consumer activists, and food companies are under the microscope.

Media Preparation For Plant Tissue Culture

An informative video highlighting the steps to prepare plant tissue culture and micro-propagation media from powdered formulations.

Tissue Culture And Cultivation of Banana


Tissue Culture Process for Banana

This video is intended to show the basic stepts of tissue culturing bananas.

Growing Consumer Demand for Medical Herbs

Consumer demand for high quality medicinal herbs like Ginseng, is increasing at a slow, but steady, rate and many of these herbs are harvested exclusively from stagnant to declining wild populations.

Although harvested pounds increased by over 37% from year 2000 levels, strains on the wild populations, are beginning to show. A wild harvester can easily wipe out entire populations of a species in an area in a short period of time. Sufficient harvest volumes of medicinal herbs for the consumer can only be consistently achieved with the incorporation of cultivated material into the supply channel.

As conventional crops like tobacco become less viable and farmers are looking at medicinal herbs as alternative crops. Many farmers are beginning to grow and market medicinal herbs for the natural products industry.

Herb growers and farmers have the potential to profit from the cultivation of many medicinal plant species.

The medicinal herb market fluctuates in a way that differs from many agricultural markets. It is immature by industry standards and not as well organised as other commodities. It is also under pressure from government agencies to ensure safe products which has many herbal product companies and regulatory agencies working together to develop standardised quality measurements and procedures.

This means that it is an industry in constant flux! This can present an opportunity for a grower or value added entrepreneur, but it also means growers must maintain a level of flexibility that they may not have needed in other industries.

The problem for herb farmers is that high quality seed and planting stock can be difficult to obtain and very expensive, especially for organic material. Large quantities of viable seed are not readily available commercially.

Many of the medicinal herb seed dealers collect from the open field. The herb seeds are wild-crafted and the seed is extremely variable. Germination rates have not been tested. This leads to sporadic plantings in the field.

Many medicinal herb seeds have very specific and long stratification requirements. Germination can be very slow and unpredictable. Rootstock can be difficult to obtain and store and some decay easily.

Plugs or transplants are a more viable way to insure crop uniformity but there is an extreme shortage of nurseries providing large volumes of medicinal herb planting stock.

In order for herb farmers to be successful in providing a cultivated supply of quality herbs for the increasing public demand, diverse propagation methods need to be explored and utilised to provide them with sufficient volumes of quality planting stock.

Jalur Salju Sdn Bhd has the expertise, knowledge and equipment to micro-propagate a variety of medical herbs for your industry. Call us and let us work out a plan for you.

E-Books : Biofuels Engineering Process Technology

Rising fuel prices have created a surge in the worldwide demand for biofuels made from plant and animal feedstocks. Filled with a wealth of illustrations, Biofuels Engineering Process Technology fully explains the concepts, systems, and technology now being used to produce biofuels on both an industrial and small scale.

Biofuels Engineering Process Technology
371 pages | Feb 19, 2010 |ISBN:0071487492 | PDF | 6.5 Mb

Meet the Super Cow: Belgian Blue Bodybuilding Bovines

Belgian Blue cattle may look like they’ve spent most of their lives pumping iron, but they owe their double muscle characteristics to years of careful breeding and genetics.